use to submit every URL of your site directly to search engines using XML sitemaps

Become an Attracta Partner!

Happier customers and more revenue. That's what being an Attracta Partner is all about! Now that your customers have access to Attracta's suite of SEO and Marketing tools through cPanel, it's time to set up your Partner Account so that you get your share of any Premium Product purchases they make! Just create an Account to get started.
Learn more about being an Attracta Partner  »

Create Your Partner Account

Business Name

Contact First Name

Contact Last Name

Phone Number

Email Address (This will be your username)


Confirm Password

Website URL

Number of Websites Hosted

Control Panel Used (cPanel, Plesk, etc.)

Shopping Cart Used - WHMCS, Custom, Etc.


I have read and agree to the Partner Agreement
      Download Partner Agreement